
Teacher Recommendation

  • Teacher Recommendation

    The Hebrew Academy - Huntington Beach CA
  • Pick a Date
  • The Hebrew Academy seeks to enroll students who can benefit from a dual program (Judaic and General Studies) and whose families embrace our school philosophy. The student whose name appears above is a candidate for admission to the Hebrew Academy. Comments from you in the areas listed on this form will be very helpful in our evaluation. Wherever possible, please cite a specific action, behavior, or event which you have observed, to illustrate your comments about the candidate. All information will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you very much for you assistance.

  • Teacher Information:

  • Student Information:

  • Please complete the following 36 items by rating each item on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the best):

  • Please respond to the following:

  • Family Information:

  • Please complete the following 5 items by rating each item on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being the best):

  • If there is any additional information that would be better conveyed in a phone conversation, please indicate so by entering your phone number below, and we will be glad to contact you.

  • Thank You

  • Should be Empty:
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