
Making it R.E.A.L. Blog

Elementary Experiences - Morah Rochie Popack

 Kitah Alef - is a year of many firsts! There are so many new skills we are learning, Kriyah - Hebrew reading and Kesivah - Hebrew cursive writing are just a few. The most exciting first - receiving our very first Siddur. We are very excited and are working hard on all our new reading skills, practicing and reinforcing what we already know so we can be very fluent and accurate readers.

While academics is very important and we are definitely learning so much. We are learning all the core values of the Hebrew Academy. Using the stories of the weekly Torah portion we are noticing the core values our forefathers exemplified and discussing ways we could follow in their paths. We began with the core value of kindness and used Abraham, who e… Read More »

Elementary Experiences - Mrs. McKenna Harkins

 Life in the Fifth Grade Classroom  

Hello! My name is McKenna Harkins, and I have had the unique opportunity of teaching fifth grade this year in the Lower School. We have had an exciting year thus far, and students have made some fantastic progress in their academic studies. In their Language Arts Unit, students have been diving into various stories and practicing a variety of reading comprehension skills, such as comparing and contrasting, determining the author’s purpose, and recognizing how the characters and setting of a story impact the plot. I would encourage you to ask students about these reading skills at home, and listen to how well they can recognize key text features to truly gain meaning and understanding … Read More »

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