
Making it R.E.A.L. Blog

Elementary Experiences - Mrs. Markowitz

From the Desk of Mrs. Markowitz

General Studies- 3rd Grade

Gearing Up for Open House

The 3rd graders have been working hard for the past month on a variety of academic skills in order to showcase it at Open House! It truly is a culmination and celebration of everything they have worked on during this school year. The 3rd grade teachers and students encourage and invite all parents and students to stop by and see all of the great things they have been working on. 

Aside from academics, the 3rd grade teachers have been working hard to help the students develop excellent organizational and planning skills as they get ready to step-up to 4th grade. More projects (in all subject areas) have been assigned to allow students… Read More »

Elementary Experiences - Mrs. Jenna Sagan

From the Desk of Mrs. Sagan

2nd Grade General Studies

Full "S.T.E.A.M" Ahead!

Second Grade Visits Centennial Farm and Imaginology at the OC Fairgrounds

Second grade recently had a special field trip to visit the OC Fairground's "Imaginology" S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, engineering, arts and math) festival.  All students began the day experiencing the Centennial Farm, where they got to learn from experts all about how a variety of plants are grown, and even got to plant their own radish seeds!

The students visited new baby lambs, pet baby chicks, saw a giant ox, and discovered just how loud geese can be when they sense trouble. The farm exploration connected to our current novel study of Char… Read More »

Elementary Experiences - Mrs. Lauren Wolder

 From the Desk of Mrs. Wolder

General Studies- 1st Grade

Our World 

Our amazing students have been busy, cross-curriculum learners, incorporating many first grade themes into our Math, English, Social studies and Science programs!

Our most recent theme was....OUR WORLD!

In English, we explored our home, school and neighborhood communities through, poetry, stories, creative writing, self expression, art and reading. 

Using Math manipulatives and number problems, we had opportunities to look at the different shapes that we see and use everyday, open up a store and work with  money to complete transactions, collect data on our weather and interests, use measurement to plan a c… Read More »

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