
Making it R.E.A.L. Blog

Hebrew Academy Library Presents: Author's Day

On Thursday, January 25th, the Parent Association of Hebrew Academy is proud to celebrate Author's Day with your students. We will be visited by two authors, David Newman and Claude Abraham. Mr. Newman is an accomplished and award-winning author of children's books. For more about his books, you can check out his website.

If you would like your student to have his books, you can fill out this form. Additionally, Adam will be happy to sign any purchases the day of the event

Dr. Claude Abraham will be addressing the Upper School students. He has written 14 books, been knighted by the French government, given the Humboldt prize by the German government, and made a fellow of the Humanities Research Centre of the Australian National Unive… Read More »

Upcoming Mitzvah Night


A festive celebration will be highlighting the fantastic community kindness projects Hebrew Academy of Orange County students have done. Taking place on Saturday, January 20th, “Lighting Up the Night” will be the annual Mitzvah Night to celebrate these great projects.


With each grade involved with a different project to help out various non-profit organizations in the area, there will be presentations by students, as well as representatives of the respective organizations. The organizations include, but are not limited to Bubbe and Zayde's Place, Simchat Shabbat OC, Support Our Troops, and Friendship Circle, amongst others.


In addition to the presentations, there will be a Mexican fiesta dinner, as well… Read More »

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