
Making it R.E.A.L. Blog

After 50 Years the Hebrew Academy Stands Out as a Leader in Education

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The Voice of Jewish Long Beach, popularly known as the Chronicle, featured an article in the Sept/Oct issue highlighting the Hebrew Academy’s comprehensive and rigorous academics in a warm and nurturing environment. 

Especially now, we are very proud of all the efforts to safely open our campus to full day, in person learning.  It is a true joy to watch the students, excited about learning, engaged in meaningful student centered activities with opportunities to socialize and interact with their peers.







2nd Grade General Studies

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We are really off to a wonderful start. The kiddos are SO HAPPY to be back in school this year and I am loving teaching them face to face.

In 2nd grade we are hard at work not only doing a lot of paper and pencil work, but learning all our fun new, interactive, and educational technologies and apps which are really enhancing our learning. At only 7 and 8 years old we have learned how to play our math curriculum games online, how to find, and read, our hardcover anthology online, navigate our extra supplemental curriculum like Epic books and Scholastic News, and we are even taking our tests online! These kids are going to be way more tech savvy than their teacher pretty soon!

While we are doing a lot of practice with our computers,… Read More »

Unity in a Socially Distant World


We are now in the midst of celebrating the holiday of Sukkot and our students have been given a deep and joyful insight into the meaning behind the holiday. 

Two Mitzvot are associated with the holiday. One Mitzvah is the building of the Sukkah hut on the outside and the other is the Etrog and Lulav set. Both Mitzvot take on a special meaning in our new socially distanced societal norm. Both Mitzvot represent social unification of all segments of the Jewish community in general and our own families in particular. The Sukkah is the only Mitzvah whereby many people celebrating together through food (what else is there to bring us together) are completely enveloped together in honor of the chag. Similarly it is with the ‘… Read More »

A Peek into our Fifth Grade Judaic Studies Classroom


We are so excited to be back in school! Seeing the kids' smiles, their joy to be in school and spending time with their friends is truly amazing!

Fifth grade is the time when the kids are learning independence in their thinking, processing and writing. They write their own weekly Dvar Torahs based on the weekly Torah portion, and internalize personal messages about how to apply these teachings to their daily life.

Chumash is our foundation. When we learn about our forefathers; their character, qualities and even sacrifices, it always becomes so meaningful when we internalize these lessons and values. What should someone do in a time of despair? Why do we all feel so connected to the land of Israel? During our Chumash class these a… Read More »

We are back on Campus!

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The Hebrew Academy did not manage to land on the moon or discover a new continent. What we did manage is to bring society's most valuable and vulnerable assets - the children - back to school for serious  learning at the earliest time possible. This is a feat no less significant than the greatest accomplishments - for each and every one of our precious children and their families. It is exhilarating and heartwarming to witness the smiles of our children (behind the masks) as I cruise through the campus. They are so happy to be able to interact with each other and be involved in productive learning throughout the day . As challenging as it may be under the present circumstances, our staff has been successful in cre… Read More »

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