
Making it R.E.A.L. Blog

Seeing is Believing!

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High school students at the Hebrew Academy have new tools to support learning. Tools in science tend to extend our senses, especially what we see. In our three biology classes, our ability to visualize increased dramatically this spring. Students tried out the Promethean InterActiv board, which takes the Smartboard concept to another level. Students skillfully used it for brainstorming and for creating collaborative thinking maps in which they connected terms and concepts in the study of living things.

Microscopes are an indispensable tool of the biologist, especially those with high quality lenses that provide fine resolution. Hebrew Academy acquired new monocular scopes of exceptional… Read More »

We are OPEN!


There is something nostalgic and comforting about coming to the school library to check out a book. Browsing the aisles, flipping through the pages and picking a quiet corner to relax and read is such an important experience for children (and adults!) I was thrilled to welcome students back to our library this week. Not only are they coming back to the library as one of their activities but students are also able to check out books again. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Read and Fit-A-Thon! The Parent Association is proud to be able to help enrich activities on campus. Activities such as teacher appreciation, holiday eve… Read More »

Kindergarten is getting ready for Shavuot! Are you?



In Kindergarten we are moving our way up the Mountain of Har Sinai with our very own footsteps. We are counting our way up to the top of Hars Sinai with excitement and getting ready to celebrate the Holiday of Shavuos and the giving of the Torah.

During this time, we also reflect on our relationship with others and find ways to express our love for one another. We learn from Rabbi Akiva "Veahavta Leraiacha Kamocha - you shall love your fellow as yourself"". This is our rainbow of hearts - special messages that the children are writing to their Kindergarten friends for all the nice things that they do for one another.

Lots of Kindness and Love in the Kindergarten!

Morah Miriam 


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