
Making it R.E.A.L. Blog

8 Chanukah Delights for 8 Chanukah Nights

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On Chanukah, we come together with family and friends to celebrate and share the traditions. Chanukah has many unique opportunities that engage, excite, and inspire. It is extraordinary when we can maximize the experience for our families.

The Chanukah festivities are a fantastic opportunity for children to see the real-world applications of subjects such as Math and Science in our Jewish experiences and traditions. As we light our menorah, eat foods fried in oil, or play the dreidel, we can make connections with scientific thinking and mathematical applications that can and will inspire future learning.

On Chanukah, we celebrate the miracle of oil and how the supply of oil meant to last one day lasted for eight. We remember this mira… Read More »

Top 3 reasons it's important to promote Gratitude in school.

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Here at the Hebrew Academy, we focus on five core values, kindness, gratitude, truth, respect, and courtesy. As Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and show appreciation, we chose to highlight the value of gratitude this month. 

In truth, according to Judaism, gratitude is significant; it is not just a once-a-year occurrence but how our sages teach us to begin our day. Each morning, upon opening our eyes, our sages instructed us to recite the prayer of Modeh Ani. As we start our day, this prayer reminds us that G-d has granted us the gift of life again. 

What is so essential in showing gratitude that, as Jews, this is how we should begin our day? The value of appreciation is the opportunity to think beyond ourselves,… Read More »

Top 5 things you can do to support a successful Middle School Transition

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It was a familiar scene at Hebrew Academy as they welcomed students back to campus. The cohort of first-time middle schoolers huddled together— some talking loudly with anticipation, others quietly observing as all students were quickly swept into a supportive, nurturing 6th-grade learning environment.  

Mixed emotions are typical. Students undergo tremendous growth and change between elementary and middle school—physically, emotionally, and cognitively.   “My son, Josh, was a little anxious and also excited about starting 6th grade,” says Karen Berger, who has three children at Hebrew Academy and is also the Admissions Director. “He’s looking forward to having more independence and chal… Read More »

Our Students got the Moves and are going places


Tour the campus at Hebrew Academy during the school week. Students will be immersed in their studies, working collaboratively on hands-on projects or conducting science experiments. You may also see students busting out Dougie dance moves in our Hip Hop class. 

A hit among students, Hip Hop classes are part of our Enrichment Programming that brings learning to life (and, in some cases, to music) outside the classroom. Along with weekly Hip Hop instruction, our students expand their learning experiences in extracurricular classes ranging from swimming to soccer, technology, and music. While having fun, students in these programs build their confidence and social skills, discover talents and interests, and challenge themselves t… Read More »

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