
Making it R.E.A.L. Blog

4 Things to Keep in Mind When Planning Winter Break


Winter break is a time for our family to get together and enjoy each other’s company and an excellent time for parents to spend quality time with their children. But it can also be a challenge to keep them engaged and motivated. 

Here are four essential things to keep in mind when planning winter break with your kids:


1) Learn new skills together: We should not think that learning only happens inside the classroom; children are natural learners and it is good to make time for learning during breaks. Learning opportunities occur while cooking, playing with children, or doing anything else.

A break from the routine is the perfect opportunity to expose your kids to new things. Some museums, zoos, aquariums, and natur… Read More »

Chanukah Celebrates the Light in Every Child

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Candles burning, latkes frying, dreidels spinning, Chanukah, the festival of lights, fills our hearts and homes with a radiant glow. But, it is far more than the menorah candle’s flame reflecting on our children’s wonderous faces that warms our hearts. It’s the light that glows from within. 

Chanukah is a time to recognize, celebrate and amplify the light that flickers inside us. As King Solomon writes in Proverbs, “The soul of man is G-d's candle." The miracle of Chanukah that allowed a small single day’s supply of oil to last eight days celebrates the limitless power of the individual, and this is especially true in young children. 

When children craft their menorahs, they are empo… Read More »

Top 3 Reasons to Tour a School Before Enrolling

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Enrolling your child in a school is one of the most important decisions you make as a parent. First, you must ensure the school is a good fit for your child and family. Many factors go into choosing the right school. It is a good idea to take a tour of prospective schools before making your decision.

Here are the top 3 reasoning to tour the school before enrolling your child.

1. Learn about the school's values: The first reason to tour a school is to learn about its values and if they align with your own. Schools have different values, and you want to ensure that your child is taught in an environment that respects their individuality. 

2. Get a feel for the curriculum: Schools are more than just classrooms and teachers; they a… Read More »

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