
Making it R.E.A.L. Blog

From L.A. to the Classroom - Implementing RCD

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As a parent, you want the best for your child. You want them to receive a quality education, be in a safe and nurturing environment, and surround themselves with positive role models. At the Hebrew Academy, we understand this, and that is why we are excited about our new initiative, Larry Thompson's Give ‘Em Five Responsibility-Centered Discipline.

This innovative approach to discipline, designed to empower students to take ownership of their actions, encourages them to make good choices and to be responsible for their behavior. The Give ‘Em Five process includes setting clear expectations, teaching the expected behavior, modeling the behavior, providing positive feedback, and constructively correcting misbehavior.

The… Read More »

Top 3 Things to Consider When Choosing the Right TK Program.

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 A TK program is an innovative preschool program designed to help children develop the skills needed to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. It focuses on developing a solid foundation for early childhood education by providing activities that challenge young minds. Through various activities, children are better prepared for the challenges of kindergarten and beyond.

Finding the best TK program for your child can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s good to research and compare different programs to find one that is right for you and your family. 

Here are the top 3 things to consider when choosing the right program for your child.


Finding the right curriculum for your presch… Read More »

Lighting a love for Learning



Chanukah is in full swing at Hebrew Academy, and joy is in the air. Our entire student body looks forward to gathering around the campus’s Values Circle to light our community menorah. A  wide range of fun and exciting Chanukah activities like singing, dancing, games, and special guests lead up to the daily menorah lighting ceremony that has become a much-anticipated community-wide event each year. Throughout the eight-day holiday, we share stories and the deeper meanings behind the traditions we celebrate. We recounted the story of the Chanukah miracle when the Maccabees triumphed over their oppressors, and the one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days. But we also bring a present-day meaning to the holiday, one of l… Read More »

Compassion: The Currency of a Vibrant Community

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By Rabbi Avremi Popack

As a Rabbi, I was taught to lead with compassion. As a Judaic administrator of the Hebrew Academy Community Day School, I recognize the importance of compassion. This approach often propels me to step out of my comfort zone and assist in various situations. Of course, I am humbled and extremely grateful to be on the giving end. Most recently, through circumstances that placed me on the receiving end, I have had to redefine my perspective on compassion.

Last  April, my family and I mourned the loss of my dad, A”H. We sat shiva as a family in Denver, where my parents lived and we were raised. Naturally, at times like these, much comes to mind. All priorities are reevaluated, and the value of life tak… Read More »

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