
The Prophets inspire the future leaders of the Hebrew Academy

Tuesday, 8 June, 2021 - 10:05 am


A Navi is a prophet. Neviim are Prophets. The Sacred books of Prophets, written from 1200 BCE- 587 BCE are part of what’s known as The Written Torah. The books of Prophets chronicle historical and personal stories of the Jewish people from after the Death of Moshe-settling into the Land of Israel, up until the Babylonian exile after the destruction of the first Temple.

Middle School Girls have wrapped up a year of learning an intriguing storyline with some map, text and life-skills intertwined with personal growth lessons from Navi SHMUEL ALEF-Samuel 1. In two lessons a week, over the course of the academic year, these girls have been introduced to Torah figures who had choices to make that impacted themselves, those around them and the trajectory of our nation all the way down to each of us. 

By reading, listening to, illustrating and even acting out the text, the girls learned about Elkana who did something about his desire for Jews to still make the pilgrimage to the Mishkan-portable temple and about Chana and her heartfelt prayers, which set an example for the structure of all communal prayers The girls came to admire Shmuel, Hashem’s dedicated prophet who completely lived his life to serve the people as teacher, mentor, judge, caretaker and preacher. They met Shaul whose actions made them question why he was the one Hashem told Shmuel to anoint when the Jews first requested a King. Then there was Dovid, youngest son of Yishai from the tribe of Yehuda: All proper Jewish Kings would descend from Dovid, whose faith, resourcefulness and resilience carried him through challenging circumstances to emerge as a leader. There were also others along the way from whom the girls could glean wisdom. Even from the Antagonists- Plishtim, Amalek, Ammon- the girls could learn that enemies take many forms and share a common theme of ‘intent to harm.’ This reminds us to check ourselves and work toward living as people who do not intend to harm, but rather intend to assist in the mission of revealing G-dliness within our circles of influence.



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