
Simchat Torah Flags Wave Strong and Proud

Wednesday, 19 October, 2022 - 5:55 pm

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We are just coming off a whirlwind of festivities and celebrations that unite and embrace our heritage, people, and communities. As the Hebrew Academy endeavors to inspire continuity and a Jewish future, we know it's the littlest hands that get involved, the tiny sparks that touch our souls, and the grand celebrations that create the memories that inspire a bright Jewish future. 

As we embark on the journey of educating the youth, we create small yet meaningful moments of engagement to inspire deep learning, great questions, and personalized lessons that impact the most incredible growth and success for every student. Our award-winning program finds success in the collaboration of our General and Judaic studies grade-level teams. Teachers and Admin come together bi-monthly to review grade-level expectations and skills, and the teams work together to inspire success for every student. With this shared commitment, our teachers work together to find the best ways to build confidence and success in every student. 

20220922_0115.JPGHere at the Hebrew Academy, you will often find a Judaic teacher working out a math problem as they measure the walls of the sukkah or count the parts that comprise the four species. Math will be used while baking delicious holiday favorites like honey cakes and challah that complete the celebration, invigorating our senses as we become one with the learning. 

On the flip side, our General Studies teachers will use writing prompts that connect with the Jewish celebrations that often inspire strong writing as the students infuse their passions and joy for the festivities. Using language to explain these celebrations to teachers who may not know much about them creates a sensitivity within our students to share, inspire and embrace differences and unique perspectives. 


This year at our Annual Simchat Torah parade, as the students joined from their respective classrooms, you could see each student's skills, creativity, and pride in their creation come together as one community. From the cute fringes, our kindergarteners made on their flags to the personal messages and banners some of the older students carried - there was an overwhelming sense of joy and celebration of who we are as individuals and as a people that will surely inspire a bright and enriching future. With academic skills, a strong sense of self, deep values, and a strong positive mindset that waves true for every Hebrew Academy scholar, we are embracing the future with the power to inspire and lead.

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