Seder Experience with Morah Raizel:
This week, the children participated in a seder. This was our introduction into Pesach. Why start with a seder? Aren’t they usually done right before Pesach? The purpose of beginning our Pesach journey with a seder is to enhance the children’s Pesach experience. Being able to experience the sights, sounds, smells, touch, and tastes of the seder, makes Pesach so much more real for the children. When we talk about all of the concepts at the seder and create our haggadahs, the children will be so able to process the information properly because they experienced it.
Each child had a chance to share what they liked about our seder.
Mendel: That was a good seder. I like the celery. I liked all of it.
Adele: I liked dipping the what we ate in saltwater.
Liam: I likes the salad. And I really liked the matzah. Not the other things.
Zalman: Everything.
Arielle: I liked everything except the marror.
Liam: I loved the marror.
Musia: Everything.
Michal: I like the eggies with the water.
Noa: Um eating the matzah and drinking the grape juice.
Mikey: I liked about the lighting candles.
Menucha: The marror.
Atarah: I loved to dip the egg in the saltwater.
Shalom G.: I liked about dipping the egg in the saltwater.
Joy: Drinking the seder-grape juice.
Gittel: The egg dipped in saltwater.