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Yearbook Launch

Monday, 18 March, 2024 - 12:26 pm

By: Chana Mushka Hershkovich 

At the beginning of February, the high school girls began working on the Hebrew Academy Yearbook 2023/2024 . Firstly, they worked on picking out a theme which will be announced next month, so stay tuned. 

Once the theme had been chosen, each student selected the grade and page design  they wanted to work on as their contribution for the yearbook. Planning, preparations, and collaboration takes place in English class every Friday and the girls are making excellent progress. 

SophomoresAdina Shapiro and Chaya Weinbaum, have partnered up for the leadership role of Editor-in-Chief with Shulamis Kantor as the Assistant Editor-in-Chief while Esther Lovitch has volunteered to take on the Creative Director position. This incredible team, along with our Upper School English teacher, Mrs. O'Brien, has been keeping everyone in check to facilitate in making this year's yearbook the best yearbook ever!

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