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Discovering Women of Valor:

Wednesday, 5 June, 2024 - 6:30 pm

The Navi classroom at Bais Rochel Leah High School (BRLHS) was abuzz with excitement today as our high school students presented their unique Mishlei projects. This was more than just another assignment; it was a personal exploration into the heart of the Eishes Chayil (Woman of Valor), brimming with creativity, personal connections, and inspiring narratives.


Our students were tasked with a deep dive into a specific verse (posuk) from Eishes Chayil. They didn't just read; they explored, interpreted, and connected these pesukim to their lives. 

The presentations were a beautiful blend of learning and creativity. One student highlighted Sarah’s endless kindness, emphasizing how Sarah’s kindness extended even to people she did not know, drawing parallels to her own mother’s acts of generosity.

One particularly touching moment was when a student chose Mrs. Goorevitch, their Mishlei teacher, as a modern-day Woman of Valor. The tribute was heartfelt and genuine, highlighting teachers' profound impact on their students.

The students continued beyond just presenting their findings. Many embraced the extra credit challenge by dressing in period-appropriate attire. Some handed out treats that reflected their Jewish Woman of Valor, adding a personal and memorable touch to their presentations.

This project was more than just an academic exercise—it was a journey into living Eishes Chayil's values. Our students showcased not only their academic abilities but also their ability to deeply connect with and apply these lessons in their lives today.

At BRLHS,our students are encouraged to explore, express, and grow. It was a proud moment to watch them shine today. Today’s presentations celebrated learning, inspiration, and the powerful connections that bind us to our past and guide us into the future.

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