
Elementary Experiences - Mrs. Lauren Wolder

Friday, 6 May, 2016 - 2:33 pm

 From the Desk of Mrs. Wolder

General Studies- 1st Grade

Our World 

Our amazing students have been busy, cross-curriculum learners, incorporating many first grade themes into our Math, English, Social studies and Science programs!

Our most recent theme was....OUR WORLD!

In English, we explored our home, school and neighborhood communities through, poetry, stories, creative writing, self expression, art and reading. 

Using Math manipulatives and number problems, we had opportunities to look at the different shapes that we see and use everyday, open up a store and work with  money to complete transactions, collect data on our weather and interests, use measurement to plan a community and so much more!

Our Project Based Learning assignment in Social Studies was so much fun. We each made a flip file of OUR WORLD, starting with.. This is me, This is my school, This is my neighborhood, This is my city, This is my state, This is my country and lastly, This is my world. What a great opportunity to look at our world map and learn about continents, countries, oceans and direction.

In Science we are busy relating this broad MY WORLD topic to... The plants around us! We will be planting  seeds and watching our plants grow at the back of our classroom. Each week, we will fill in an observation chart to record what we can see happening. This is a great hands on approach to learning parts of a plant and caring for our natural environment.

 Blending themes into different academic areas not only makes learning more relevant, but a lot more fun too!


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