A lot has changed since the latest update on the high school dorm. Firstly, there was a new addition to the dorm, two ducks named Harry and Meghan. Unfortunately, the beloved ducks have moved on and are now growing up in a new and improved home surrounded by many other ducks, which is a far more ideal environment.
Although time flew by with the presence of the feathery friends, the dormies continued to spend their December celebrating their Chanukah experience with 8 days of concerts, parties, and gifts. The dormies were greatly surprised with a long-awaited necessity; a printer on the first night of Chanukah.
Finally, the dormies went home over winter break and were able to kick back and relax with their family. Once they returned to their dorms, they were welcomed with a beautiful hand-lettered welcome sign which was such a sweet touch. What a heartwarming welcome back!