Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Laptop Program

The Hebrew Academy requires that every student, second grade and up, bring a laptop to school each day to use to organize their schoolwork, conduct research, and collaborate with peers and instructors.

In the wake of the information age, our school has moved away from static, hard copy textbooks toward a blended model of e-books, open-source resources, and teacher-generated content. Consistent and reliable access to a laptop is essential to our learning program.  We use Google Suite to enable students to collaborate consistently, effectively and in real time with both peers and teachers alike. 

The BYOD program: 

  • Empowers a next century learning environment;

  • Fosters student ownership of their own learning;

  • Allows real-time access to a greater amount of information;

  • Creates a smooth transition between home and school;

  • Provides easier student access to online instructional materials;

  • Supplements school resources and equipment; and

  • Facilitates communication and collaboration between students, teachers, and parents.